We are a team of dedicated individuals who practice healthy living, eating and are passionate about alternate growing and soil regenerative practices.
We grow heirloom & unique vegetables for direct sales to restaurants, retailers, farm gate customers & farmers market.
We grow wild flowers for beneficial insects, rotate vegetables & sow at least 35 varieties of cover crop as well as composting to regenerate the health of the soil without using any chemicals.
We believe nutrient dense and tasty products should be enjoyed by growing and producing without any artificial or chemical additions. Also we should be responsible for the health of the soil and microbes on our land.
Responsible Local Farming Practices
We believe that farming must be in harmony with nature. This is the reason why our farm abstains from using chemical agents, such as pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. We are in the pre-certification organic process with Ecocert. We are a community that grows vegetables naturally. We use intensive farming methods to maximize the production of the land, while regarding the health of the soil by practising regenerative agriculture .
We are members in good standing with:
EFAO (Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario)
MyPick Farmers
Certified to option A2 by NSF to be in conformity with the CanadaGAP Standard.